It All Started With My Mom...

My mom was a master of hanging family photos, and even though my parents struggled at times, she always found a way to prioritize studio family portraits. I have no idea if we behaved or made the process difficult, but I do remember that I like looking at those portraits in our hallway and photo albums.

Building a Visual Legacy

Over time, and even still, my mom has a growing collage of family photos that now includes many grandchildren. Her upstairs hallway and stairwell is a lifetime told in portraits. She has photos of my late grandparents, too, reminding me of their eyes, their smiles, what they smelled like, what my grandma's soft hands felt like. Even though the photos are of them when they were young, they bring a flood of memories from my lifetime and the years I got to spend with them.

Those photos offer a connection to past generations for my kids as well, and they sometimes try to find themselves in my grandparents' faces. They love the photos of themselves and their cousins over the years. These images give my kids a sense of belonging, of connection, and even in a very imperfect family, a knowing that they are deeply loved. After all, people only hang things on their walls if they love them and want to see them every day. Even kids understand that.

Beyond Digital- We Need to Touch and See

In today's world where smartphone cameras abound, there's something profoundly irreplaceable about a professionally captured family portrait hanging on your walls. These photographs serve as markers, grounding us in our familial roots. But humans are sensory creatures, too. We are made to need to see and touch things. You can't "turn off" photos that are hanging on your wall, and their steady presence constantly reminds our subconscious minds of every story and memory those photos evoke. And we are creatures that appreciate and are drawn to a beautifully-composed and well-lit image, whether it's posed or candid. An artistic quality draws us in and helps us remember.

The Magic of Freezing Time

In the whirlwind of childhood, time slips through our fingers, but family pictures freeze these moments. These annual snapshots aren't just milestones; they're treasures, preserving the nuances of each stage in your family's journey. From toothless grins to confident strides, each portrait tells a story of transformation, a testament to the beauty of growth shared as a family. And parents, who often aren't in photos themselves, get to enjoy the kids and be with them. Showing these connections and family bonds is so vital for kids and helps them feel warm toward their family members.

Beyond Self(ies)

Capturing photos to preserve family memories offers children a good blend of sentimentality, unity, and family pride. In an era dominated by selfie culture, older children may not naturally associate photography with family bonds. Therefore, family portraits can rekindle this connection between family and photographs, safeguarding these precious ties for generations to come. Seeing these photos on the walls daily solidifies those ties in their minds. While children may resist participating for photos initially, they will undoubtedly come to cherish these memories as they mature. But prioritizing family photos can also create a legacy: establishing a tradition of taking family photos will likely rub off on your children when they have their own kids!

Family Photos Worth Remembering

Of course, you want your family photo session to be a good memory. Choosing a photographer you like and connect with, who helps your family come together and have fun is so important. And because printing your photos is so good for everyone, choosing a photographer who won't leave you to DIY that step is also so helpful (after all, life is BUSY, and it's so much easier if your photographer can do the step of printing and delivering your photos for you!). Your photographer should be able to help you get these memories into print and onto your walls. It is an investment that will grow in value over time unlike anything else. Like my mom, you won't regret prioritizing meaningful and beautiful family photos. And your kids will always be glad you did!